
Exclusiv! Incredibil, imagini cu Koenigsegg One1 distrus în timpul testelor!

Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
Spy-Shots of Cars
This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K

La volanul lui Koenigsegg One1 se afla unul dintre piloții companiei suedeze. În urma evenimentului de pe circuitul de la Nurburgring a rămas o urmă neagră de frânare, pe o distanță de 200 de metri. Bineînțeles, un parapet lăsat decoltat și un One1 ciufulit, pe mâna celor de la intervenții.

Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
Spy-Shots of Cars
This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K

Numele modelului One1 provine de raportul kilograme/putere, în acest caz, 1:1, pentru că bolidul cântărește 1360 kg, iar herghelia numără exact 1360 CP. Oare, acesta să fi fost motivul întâmplării nefericite sau virejele pre strânse, în S?

Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
Spy-Shots of Cars
This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K

Se pare că suedezii de la Koenigsegg produseseră până acum 7 exemplare One1. Astfel, au mai rămas doar 6 în stare de funcționare.

Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K

Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
Spy-Shots of Cars
This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
Spy-Shots of Cars This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K
Spy-Shots of Cars
This image has been optimized for a calibrated screen with a Gamma of 2.2 and a colour temperature of 6500°K

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1 comment

Dan 26/07/2016 at 2:45 PM

Am inteles ca cei de la Koenigsegg au declarat ca masina va fi reconstruita.


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